Tuesday, January 27, 2009

are we lost?

found this video on a blog i read of a guy that i met at a conference one time. it speaks a lot of truth about the generation that i am a part of and work with. one can only hope that we work in reverse.

Monday, January 5, 2009

to resolve or not to resolve?

i feel like this should be some kind of public service announcement. that is the way i feel about resolutions, they seem so grandiose and a little bit pretentious. but i am going to do something this year that i have not done for many years...i am going to make resolutions. however, i hope to make resolutions something attainable, even measurable, because in my world and thinking that is much more satisfying and a lot let disillusionable than not doing it that way. so on to some resolutions...some not all...as that would be just showing all the cards really early...

1. to run more. i ran a marathon in 2007. it was my first and only marathon so far in my life. i had run 2 half marathons prior to that and had a decent enough experience to decide that i will one day run another marathon. i am not sure that it will be this year, but step one is to run more, because honestly at the end of last year, something had sucked the joy right out of running and i had pretty much stopped. this had a whole host of consequences for me, not the least was that the holiday food eating contest, i mean season, resulted in some packed on pounds. i attribute my lack of running partly to the loss of my running partner. leading up to my marathon i had a running partner and we had such a good time running and talking during those runs that i believe we both looked forward to them a lot. ideally i will find a new running partner, but for now it will be retraining myself to run and meditate like i used to do frequently. making this measurable is easy, if i have run it is more than i have done in the past several months. i look forward to running, it brings a lot of joy to my life.

2. read more books outside of theological ones. i read a lot, but i mostly read books about theology. hey, it interests me and i find a lot of reasons to argue with the author in my head, or to be surprised by learning something new or seeing something in a new light, so it is worth it. plus it helps me do my job better. but i find that i really enjoy reading outside of this genre as well. i find that i see things differently and am challenged by reading outside of the field of theology, plus i learn more and discover new things about the world regularly. i have recently been reading a two book autobiography of an ex-Texas Ranger (as in the law enforcement kind...not the sad baseball team that i love and refuse to have any resolution about whatsoever). it has been fascinating reading.

3. i am actively looking for a new job. i want to be obedient to where i am called, and yet want i believe my prophetic edge to be nurtured in this new job as well. it is a tall task, but i believe the position and job is out there for me in this regard. we will see where it leads, but i am excited to be moving on to something closer to where i believe my passion and calling collide. if you wish to know more, ask.

so this is where we are going to leave it for now, but at least it is out there and the very few of you that read this can hold me accountable to them. i hope everyone had a merry christmas, a happy new year, and has a great 2009. as they in Shiner...Prosit!