Monday, August 23, 2010

what is a locavore anyway?

our little community of people, with whom we have been meeting for 4 yrs now, was presented with an intriguing opportunity recently. we could purchase a cow. we could not only purchase this cow, but we could have said purchased cow slaughtered, butchered, and packaged for our consumption.

and so purchase a cow we did! just a couple of weeks ago some of our friends brought our portion of the cow to our house, and we have since been trying to figure out ways to eat dishes consisting of beef. our first dish was a delectable brown sugar meatloaf. what can i say, i am a sucker for down-home favorites.

the cow we purchased was not grain-fed or fattened. our cow was raised on grass, not too far from our house and slaughtered and processed locally as well. it was participation in what is called being a locavore (maybe just the light version, but you have to start somewhere right?). purchasing food from producers in close geographic radius to your home can have far reaching impact on the local economy -- not to mention the added bonus of knowing how your food was raised and grown.

all of this is basic stuff that can lead to bigger questions. what is the right balance of food production? how do you eat healthy and locally and maximize your impact on the local economy and food production with your limited budget (i assume none of my few loyal readers are extremely wealthy, and if you are i want to talk to you about other things!)? what are the ethical and moral impacts of these choices? it is more complicated than you probably think. and how should we go about getting our food?

let's explore food together.


LKR said...

I too am super excited that we have purchased a responsibly-raised cow. I'd like to get recipe ideas for the different cuts of meet so we don't just eat the same ol' tacos and burgers.

Clint said...

We have this couple in our Sunday school class who bought some land in a very rural part of east Texas. They plan on moving to this property and raising/growing/hunting all their food. They plan on building an underground habitation. This, after living in Plano, TX for 30 years. Hmmm. I think I'll buy a cow instead....

cologne led said...

Schöner Artikel. Vielen Daank für die guten Infos.
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