Thursday, October 13, 2011

a marathon run to marathon

it's been just over a year since i have trod this space. a lot of things have been going on in my life and the life of my family. the boys are two and doing what two year old twins do -- cause havoc and mischief in a fun-loving way. i had a job and now don't have a job for just over 7 months. it's been a trying and equally rewarding time. i've learned a lot about myself and what i want to pursue long term. on top of all of this i have been running. a lot. 

i started to run, seriously, again over the last year and a half and have lost around 40lbs. that has been rewarding and valuable in its own right, but it also has allowed me to enjoy the sport with a renewed purpose for the first time in nearly 8 years. i am competitive in races and am able to set and vie for PRs that i previously could not have attained. for the past 10 months i have been working on my training and building my base miles in preparation for this weekend. 

on saturday i will run 26.2 miles in the middle of nowheresville west texas. the race is called the marathon 2 marathon. an appropriate moniker considering the race begins about 23 miles outside of marathon, texas and then takes one road into town where you take a turn and head to the finish line. it should be a challenging race both mentally and physically. check back next week for a complete race recap, replete with any glory or foibles that beset me as i run the race. i'll also share what my training plan has been, and as a foretaste we'll just say it most likely isn't in a textbook of training anywhere. 

i look forward to sharing my experience with you next week. 

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