in any event, our friend Hilary posted the survey below, my wife took it, and challenged me to take it. i oblige only to give the truth to certain aspects of said survey.
1.What are your middle names? Allen and Lynn (although her legal middle name now is Klosterman).
2. How long have you been together? Oct. 10, 2001 was our first date together. I am sure of this because I have a very good friend with a birthday on that day, and it helps me to remember these things to connect them to other things in my life. All psychology aside -- I invited other people, they couldn't go. I have people to vouch for this...she doesn't.
3. How long did you know each other before you started dating? About a year. She says I was close minded and arrogant...I say I was opinionated and not afraid to share that opinion.
4. Who asked who out? Reference #3 above for the story that I did indeed invite others to Red, Hot & Blue that night for dinner with us, but lucky for us it was just the two of us.
5. How old are each of you? The significant portion of this question is that if with age comes wisdom, I have more wisdom. But who is really keeping track?
6. Did you go to the same school? We did indeed meet at the oldest university in TX -- Southwestern University.
7. Are you from the same home town? No.
8. Who is the smartest? I would like an accurate accounting of our Trivial Pursuit games. We can even include the ones in which we played on teams opposing one another, because I have only lost once to her...
9. Who majored in what? Me: History with a double minor in Spanish and Philosophy; Her: Communication Studies and English
10. Who is the most sensitive? I am not outwardly emotive very often and can sit for an interminable period of time in silence. She is.
11. Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? The UK and Wales.
12. Who has the worst temper? It takes a lot to get me mad, but let's just say we don't like those times.
13. How many children do you want? We have 3 month old twin boys. This isn't a question best answered today.
14. Who does the cooking? It is more equitable than she claims. Although her claim about my shepherd pie making skills are true.
15. Who is more social? We both like to be surrounded by friends and family. Heck, part of the reason we bought a house was to have MORE room for people to come over!
16. Who is the neat freak? I think we both like things neat and orderly.
17. Who is the most stubborn? My wife likes to think she is stubborn, but once I decide something there is little hope for change in the near future. Not to mention that I am willing to defend something that I don't believe in for the sake of an argument like I really believe it. I see it as a positive trait.
18. Who wakes up earlier? She does, but if I have something to wake up for I am willing to get up at all hours of the morning.
19. Where was your first date? Reference #4 above. Unfortunately it isn't there anymore. Damn these people taking away good bar-b-que places from me. We then walked over to Barnes & Noble where I read "Oh the Place You'll Go" to her. It was a smooth moment to be proud of.
20. Who has the bigger family? Good question.
21. Do you get flowers often? I get gifts when she buys things for herself.
22. How do you spend the holidays? Thanksgiving with her's, Christmas with mine, and tears from her no matter where are and we leave.
23. Who is more jealous? Her. I probably shouldn't say more though ;)...
24. How long did it take to get serious? I don't know!?! I just knew we had a good thing going.
25. Who eats more? Me. I am pretty sure I eat too much, but it fuels my desire to exercise so I suppose it isn't all bad.
26. What do you do for a living? I work at a university doing Religious Life programming and Residence Life work; she works at a technology company doing employee communications.
27. Who’s better with the computer? If it is about programming, it is her. If it is about actually solving things it is me, she hardly ever reads the documentation she used to write for programs!
28. Who drives when you are together? Let's just say it is best that I drive for everyone's well being! I kid, I kid...she likes to sleep if we are in the car more than 15 mins.
29. What is your song? “All I Want is You” by U2.
#2 isn't accurate, I don't agree with #21 (you're forgetting all the things I do get for you), and what's with #23?
I fall asleep in the car too, Lacy!
Loved your answers - I got a preview of the funny ones before I read this in today's "What would Aaron say and do" lunch at MIGHTY FINE.
And I am glad you wrote that I am your friend too, not "that girl who works with Lacy."
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