Thursday, July 15, 2010

still looking

i am still looking for a job.

that is a somewhat depressing sentence to write. i have tried to fill my time each day with constructive activities, i.e. actually looking for said elusive job that is supposedly out there (at least that is what all the media outlets say about ATX), reading books i have come across, working on projects for a non-profit i am on the board of directors for, doing chores around the house, and running on some days. this is all great in theory, but these things become repetitive at best and teetering on boredom at worst. i am not sure it is a universal feeling (probably not, having at least some insight into human motivation from pastoral care work i have done), but any time that i am not looking for a job i get a twinge of guilt. i rationalize this to myself on almost a daily basis that you surely can't look for a job 24/7 or even 8/5.

what i do know is that this extended time seems to have slowly sucked the creativeness out of me. i have found that reading helps to provoke ideas in my head and running helps refresh my mind and soul for both motivation and the beauty of endorphin release. so, i try to be more disciplined about these things as the days pass.

update finished. on to a new idea:

i want to write about food. not only the importance of sustenance and what that means, but the connections to a life lived spiritually and how food plays a role in and impacts that life. but i want this to be communal. so what questions, ideas, quandaries, comments do you have? with questions i will do my best to answer. with ideas, quandaries, comments, i will do my best to respond. use the comment space below to participate.

sharing is fun; my mother taught me that. so share in this idea and exploration with me.


Anonymous said...
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LKR said...

I would like to hear more about the difference between eating family-style, at long tables with groups of friends and eating in front of the TV or on the go. Not just the differences but also how the food means more to the consumer in one style of eating over the other.

Anonymous said...

Write about communion! I love communion; N Ryan does not love communion.

Clint said...

You ask good questions, for which I notice your apparently extensive Martian following has plenty of input. :)

I had not formally thought about it before reading your blog, but food IS different when served in different situations/locations.

Wine certainly tastes better when served at a table with friends. Being able to discuss the repast with others while dining enhances the experience.

When I was a kid, our family ate our meals at the table together. The only problem with this arrangement was when dad had had a bad day at the office. He was then intolerable at the table. My mom took us kids with her to the other room to eat while he stewed in his own juices by himself.

The missus and I presently eat 90% of our meals in front of the tele. This works out pretty well except when Bill O'Relly is on, in which case I have to take a couple of Prilosecs.